Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Technology Generation

Technology Generation  

A young boy no older than a pre-schooler has the phone of a teenager. He spends so much time staring at the screen that he forgets about the lovely summer day waiting outside.all of his friends are begging him to come and play outside, but instead he withdraws, saying nothing other than "I'm busy!”  He's missing out on his childhood, and missing out on the bigger picture. he’s missing out on important things in life and he'll regret that mistake later on.

Phones; nearly everyone has one, no matter what shape or form. Over four and a half billion people used a mobile phones in 2014 according to Everywhere you look you see pre-teens, teenagers and young adults texting and walking not having a care in the world of what's going on around them. they're so sucked into the world of their phone that they don't know that reality really exists. How does technology affect the way we act? I think that nearly everyone acts rude, arrogant and self-centred because they can't take five minutes off their phones and have a civilized conversation with someone. Our actions are affecting others around us and we don't even know because we're so taken in by technology.

Technology affects everyone’s personalities and lives at the same time. Personality; you have one, I have one, everyone has one. How does technology change that? Well, it affects the way we look at things in life and changes the way we look at others and who they are. Technology affects our health and social well being. Technology tricks our minds into thinking that we’re not tried when really we are. It can overstimulate our brain keeping us awake when we should be asleep.

There are good sides and bad sides of technology. We can communicate with other people across the world using Facebook and Skype. We can use Google at school to search whatever and get the answer that you sometimes want.Technology can bring out both the best and worst of people, this happens in social media with the rise of cyerbullying. People can use technology to scam you and others out of hundreds and thousands of dollars. Finally there are people who hack into your private information to steal your identity or going through your private documents.

Technology has changed our way of life and how we see things today.While there are negatives and positives in technology we sometimes never see the real picture in life and how to enjoy it. It would nice to actually go outside to explore life and what waits ahead.

-Nicole Sullivan

1 comment:

  1. This is very good, well executed. And it's true, everyone has a phone and what not today. Great choice of vocabulary and topic.
