Animal Testing
Each year in the US and many other countries over 100 million animals are being experimented on, tested on and tortured every day.
I think that cosmetic testing on animals or any sort of testing and experimenting should be made illegal. Animals in these testing labs live stressful, hard and unnatural lives of daily confinement and a damaging lack of things needed to stay alive.These animals go through many procedures every single day, without pain relief, these protocols involve any sort of torture method. Anything from hitting them to testing new drugs, infecting with diseases, poisoning, burning, causing brain damage, implanting electrodes into the brain which can cause an electric shock, blinding and many more painful and invasive procedures.
Anesthetization, euthanasia and intubation are usually common lab procedures which require a load of experience, training and skills. When not performed as well as it should be, these procedures can cause extreme pain. For example if a researcher is using a paralyzing agent on an animal but not look for important signs showing that whether the animal is anesthetized. Most likely the animal will be feeling the discomfort and pain but be unable to move. Unfortunately in many cases the lab staff lack the experience and training, and sometimes they lack sensitivity so they couldn’t care less about what happens to the animal.
The outcome of these procedures can lead to electric shocks, continuous bleeding, separation from family members and so on.. Animals that have survived after these deadly experimentation methods are usually killed after the testing. No experiment is illegal no matter how cruel, irrelevant to human health, redundant or painful.
Europe is the largest cosmetic industry in the world. Some countries have already been banned from animal testing and experimenting for cosmetics and also the sale or import of newly tested beauty products These tests and experiments are done in laboratories but if this were to happen somewhere it would be considered a crime, so why should testing them in a laboratory make it okay?
Animal rights activists believe that all animals should be in control of their own lives. They are opposed to using animals for medical research because humans do not have the right to use animals. With some exceptions we do not experiment on human subjects without their consent. We do not experiment on humans if they are incapable of giving consent. Just because animals have no way of giving consent should not mean that they can experiment on it. Majority of the experiments and tests are so invasive and painful no one would even consider allowing humans do it, even if they agree to it.
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